Pranayama Teacher Training. Level 2. 2023 SPL

Nov 4 - Dec 21, 2023. In this six-week course you will learn the second level of practices that include introduction of breath retentions, and deeper explorations of Hatha Yoga texts and the physiological mechanisms of breath. Completing Level 1 Pranayama Teacher Training is a requisite for attending this course. These practices can be used in your teaching after your students have learned the level 1 protocol to your satisfaction (and theirs) and are ready and desirous to deepen their pranayama practice.


YEC · November 6, 2023

Pranayama Teacher Training. Level 1. 2023 SPL

This Course was Live in 2023. This is a full replay for Self Paced Learning (SPL).

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Why a Level 2 Pranayama Teacher Training?

  • Having completed the Level 1 Pranayama Teacher Training is a prerequisite for attending this course. In this training you will learn the Level 2 Pranayama Protocol that you will be able to teach to your students who have completed and become comfortable with the Level 1 Protocol to your satisfaction (and theirs) and are ready and desirous to deepen their pranayama practice.
  • In this six-week training you will learn the second level of practices that include the introduction of breath retentions and deeper explorations of Hatha Yoga texts and the physiological mechanisms of breath. We will explore many of the topics from Level 1 in greater depth and detail. We will teach you new practices and texts, and go into some more advanced anatomy and physiology.

Who is this training for?

This course is open to students who have taken the Level 1 Pranayama Teacher Training taught by the Yoga Education Collective only. In this training you will learn the Level 2 Pranayama Protocol that you will be able to teach to your students who have completed and become comfortable with the Level 1 Pranayama Protocol.

Is more advanced pranayama dangerous?

It is not dangerous if it is taught and practiced slowly and steadily with all cautions respected. Certain pre-existing conditions may determine if any adjustments to the basic protocol are needed. As long as the practitioner has regular sleeping hours, follows a moderate diet and lifestyle and listens and learns step-by-step there should be no problems.

Some of the benefits of more advanced pranayama include:

The more important benefits to be derived from a more advanced practice are:

  • A calmer mind.
  • Relative freedom from suffering.
  • Healthier and happier state of being.
  • Ability to recover from stressful situations.
  • Sense of empathy for others.
  • Awakening of spiritual yearning.

And you will enhance and secure all these benefits gained from the Level 1 Pranayama Teacher Training:

  • Increased cardiovascular health
  • Increased respiratory health
  • Decreased stress levels
  • A calm mind
  • A balanced nervous system
  • Deepened inner awareness
  • A way to prepare for meditation
  • Improved digestion and elimination
  • Mastery over the mind and emotions
  • Increased energy levels

What will I learn?

You will learn and practice a variety of Kriya and Pranayama practices based upon kumbhakas outlined in Hatha Yoga Texts. These kumbhakas use the three important bandhas: Mulabandha, Uddiyanabandha and Jalandharabandha.

  • Bandha practice 
  • Kapalabhati and Alternate Kapalabhati
  • Nadi Samanu (A variety of Anuloma Viloma using mixed ratio breathing with mental mantra repetition and visualization of the elements at their respective chakras all outlined in the Gerandha Samhita)
  • Ujjayi (As outlined in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika) 
  • Sitkari 
  • Sheetali 

You will also study the subjects below.

  • Hatha Yoga Pradipika: Chapter 2.
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Chapter 2.
  • Advaita Vedanta Texts such as Atma Bodha and Tattva Bodha.
  • Kumbhaka Paddati.
  • Other Hatha Yoga Texts such as Gerandha and Siva Samhita.
  • Yogic physiology of Yoga Yajnavalkya 
  • Yoga Vasishtha: Selected sections pertaining to Prana
  • In-depth study of Anatomy and Physiology of breathing.
  • The Endocrine and Immune Systems in relation to breathing.
  • A closer look at The Nervous System and travel of electrical messages. 
  • The life of the Cell.
  • Higher purposes of Pranayama relating to Nadis, Chakras, Kundalini and the Mind.
  • Karma and Reincarnation.
  • Saints and Sages of India

About Instructor


17 Courses

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Course Includes

  • 9 Lessons
  • 46 Topics
  • 25 Quizzes
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