Light on Hatha Yoga. Module 1. 2022



A Textual Study of Haṭha Pradīpikā
A textual study of Upadeśa (Chapter) 1 and 2 of Svātmārāmas Haṭha Pradīpikā, a 15th Century Yoga Text on Haṭha Yoga. Join Harsh, a scholar and practitioner of yoga from Kaivalyadhama, for this opportunity to study the Sanskrit text and explore Haṭha Yogas most celebrated scripture.
Module 1 – Chapter 1:
6 classes/ 120 minutes each + Q&A
About the text: The Haṭha Pradīpikā is one of the classical and most famous Haṭha texts that sheds light on the practice and discipline of the Haṭha tradition. The author Yogin Svātmārāma Sūri describes Caturaṅga Yoga (Yoga of 4 Limbs) viz. Āsana, Kumbhaka, Mudrā & Nādānusandhāna as well as teachings on Ṣatkriyas (six purificatory processes), an appropriate diet, lifestyle recommendations, and other practical guidelines for yoga sādhakas.

We are valuing this Light on Hatha Yoga SPL course at $60 USD; we have adapted the value for some different currency exchanges. Please use the drop-down menu to see if it is possible to pay for the course in the currency of the country you live in. If you are able to pay $60 USD regardless of where you live, we would appreciate you paying that amount. If you would like to take the course but are not able to afford the full amount, please contact us and we will work out a fair price with you.

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