Yoga Education College • Courses • 2025
The 14 Courses. Click the + signs for drop down details.
Course 101: Introduction to Indic Philosophical Traditions [C]
- Tutors: Robert Moses, Eddie Stern, and Harshvardhan Jhaveri, with special guest lecturers
- January 4 to February 13, 2025 • 25 Hours over 6 weeks
- Saturdays at 9:45 – 11:15 am EST: Theory Talks
- Thursdays at 6 am – 7 am EST: Yoga Asana Sangraha and Pranayama
- Curriculum
- This introductory course introduces incoming teacher trainees to the vast knowledge base in the Indian philosophical traditions. As future yoga teachers, it is crucial to understand an overview of the popular viewpoints on reality that have shaped Indic thought systems over the past several years, and how Yoga fits into a larger philosophical tradition.
- You will learn:
- The Four Aims of human existence
- The Four Stages of life
- The Six Systems of Indic Philosophy
- Hinduism
- Vedic Dharma
- Value Education
- Adhikari, Requirements of a Student
- Historical Overview of Indic Traditions
- Lineages of Important Saints, Sages, Rishis and Yogis
Course 102: Introduction to Sanskrit [F]
- Tutor: Harshvardhan Jhaveri
- January 11 to February 15, 2025 • 6 Hours over 6 weeks
- Saturdays at 8:00 – 9:00 am EST
- Curriculum
- Sanskrit is one of the primary languages of the Indic Yogic and Philosophical traditions, though there are countless regional traditions with texts written in Tamil, Kannada, Marathi, Hindi, and Bengali, many of them have never been translated or appeared in Sanskrit. In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of the Sanskrit language that will familiarize you with the language of the texts you will be engaging with during the teacher training.
- You will learn:
- Pronunciation of the sounds of the Sanskrit alphabet (Devanagari)
- How to write Devanagari
- How to read and write IAST transliteration
- How to read and write simple words from Yoga texts
- Basics of Sanskrit grammar
- This course is optional for those who already know how to read and write in Sanskrit
Course 103: Yoga Sangraha Level 1 [F]
- Tutor: Eddie Stern
- March 1 to April 26, 2025 (No class March 29) • 25 Hours over 8 weeks
- Saturdays 7:30 am – 9:30 am EST
- Thursdays 6 am – 7 am EST
- Curriculum
- Yoga asanas are a foundational practice that traditionally prepares the physical body for meditative and devotional practices. Today, asanas are practiced for overall health, well-being, and physical culture. The asanas and asana sequences in Yoga Sangraha have positive effects on the signaling of the nervous system. They are chosen from the larger Hatha Yoga traditions and do not represent any one particular lineage of asanas from India. The postures are largely accessible and are focused on developing awareness within physical postures. The practices that you will learn in Level 1 are beginner practices, suitable for general classes as well as one-on-one teaching. You will receive teaching scripts in the teaching manual to help get you started as a teacher.
- You will learn:
- Level One Yoga Sangraha Asanas
- Absolute Beginner Practices
- Yoga Practices for Back Pain
- Yoga Practices to Strengthen the Body
- Sun Salutations and Variations of the Sun Salutations
- Teaching Methodologies
- No-adjustment Styles of Teaching
- Basic level of anatomy and physiology necessary for asanas
Course 104: Philosophy of Asanas in Yoga Traditions [C with 3]
- Tutor: Harshvardhan Jhaveri
- March 1 to March 29, 2025 • 8 Hours over 5 weeks
- Sundays 7:45 am – 9:15 am EST
- Curriculum
- The various asana traditions of India have been articulated in a variety of ways over the past two thousand years. Asanas are an integral part of a larger spiritual quest in Indic literature and have always been used to fix one’s body and mind firmly in the direction of self-realization, though the conceptions of realization differ from tradition to tradition. An overview of the different traditions will give you an enhanced understanding of how and why we do asanas and will complement the experiential component of the Level 1 practices.
- You will learn:
- The meaning of asanas
- How asanas have been incorporated into spiritual practices
- The primary Hatha Yoga texts
- Mentions of asanas in Puranas and other texts
- History of asanas
- Different schools of asanas and the teachers who taught them
Course 105: Human Anatomy & Physiology [C]
- Tutor: Robert Moses
- March 2 to March 23, 2025 • 8 Hours over 4 weeks
- Sundays 9:30 am – 11:30 am EST
- Curriculum
- A human is a complex entity comprised of cells, tissues, organs and systems all working together in an often magical manner. According to yogic texts it comes into existence, grows, changes, decays and dies and its purpose is to work out the karmas of the ‘indweller’ whose aim is to attain liberation. While dwelling in it we should learn to honor and use it for this aim.
- You will learn:
- The basic systems of human anatomy and physiology
- The importance of breath and how we respire
- The principles of movement and the flow of blood and lymph
- How the nervous and endocrine systems help maintain homeostasis
- Fundamentals of diet, rest, sleep and recovery
- How the principles of yoga, kriyas, asanas, pranayama and dhyana balance the body/mind
Course 106: Pranayama Teacher Training Level 1 [F]
- Tutor: Robert Moses
- March 1 to April 26, 2025 • 28 Hours over 5 weeks
- Saturdays 9:45 am – 11:45 am EST
- Thursdays 6:00 am – 7:00 am EST
- Curriculum
- Pranayama is a key practice of both the Ashtanga and Hatha schools of Yoga. It prepares the body, nervous system, and mind for one-pointed concentration, leading to the practice of meditation. In the majority of yoga classes that one currently encounters in the West, there is typically more emphasis on asana and less on pranayama, so we miss out on one of the most important, transformative practices of Yoga. This training will give you a grounding in practicing and teaching traditional pranayamas, kriyas, and mudras.
- You will learn:
- The history of pranayama
- Definitions of pranayama
- The three bodies and five sheaths
- Nadis and chakras
- Anatomy and physiology of breathing
- In-depth learning about the nervous system
- Level 1 Pranayama Practices and their scientific benefits
- Teaching methodologies and teaching practice
Course 107: Introduction to Advaita Vedanta [C]
- Tutors: Robert Moses and Harshvardhan Jhaveri
- May 3 to June 21, 2025 • 16 Hours over 8 weeks
- Saturdays 9:30 am – 11:30 am EST
- Curriculum
- Advaita Vedanta is one of the most popular and prevalent philosophical viewpoints in India and in the West. Dating back to the early Upanishads, Advaita views that all is absolute consciousness, the world is an unreal, changing projection of consciousness, and that the individual soul is identical to unchanging consciousness. The Chandogya Upanishad (6.2.1) taught “… before this world was manifest, there was only existence, one without duality. On this subject, some maintain that before this world was manifest, there was only non-existence, one without a second. Out of that non-existence, existence emerged.” While Advaita Vedanta does not accept all of the teachings of the Yoga Darshan, it does accept samadhi as the direct methodology of realizing Brahman, or absolute consciousness. This course will cover the basics of non-dual Vedanta and give a framework for having new ways of looking at and managing the ups and downs of life based on an expanded understanding of yourself and the universe
- You will learn:
- Tattavabodha (essential text of Advaita)
- Atmabodha (essential text of Advaita)
- Advaita meditative techniques
- Basic terminology of Advaita
- Lives of the Advaita saints
- Three bodies and five sheaths
- Theory of Karma
- Understanding of Brahman, Maya, and Jiva
Course 108: Hatha Yoga Pradipika [F] [C with 3]
- Tutor: Harshvardhan Jhaveri
- May 3 to June 7, 2025 • 6 Hours over 6 weeks
- Saturdays 8:00 am – 9:00 am EST
- Curriculum
- Advaita Vedanta is one of the most popular and prevalent philosophical viewpoints in India and in the West. Dating back to the early Upanishads, Advaita views that all is absolute consciousness, the world is an unreal, changing projection of consciousness, and that the individual soul is identical to unchanging consciousness. The Chandogya Upanishad (6.2.1) taught “… before this world was manifest, there was only existence, one without duality. On this subject, some maintain that before this world was manifest, there was only non-existence, one without a second. Out of that non-existence, existence emerged.” While Advaita Vedanta does not accept all of the teachings of the Yoga Darshan, it does accept samadhi as the direct methodology of realizing Brahman, or absolute consciousness. This course will cover the basics of non-dual Vedanta and give a framework for having new ways of looking at and managing the ups and downs of life based on an expanded understanding of yourself and the universe
- You will learn:
- Tattavabodha (essential text of Advaita)
- Atmabodha (essential text of Advaita)
- Advaita meditative techniques
- Basic terminology of Advaita
- Lives of the Advaita saints
- Three bodies and five sheaths
- Theory of Karma
- Understanding of Brahman, Maya, and Jiva
Course 109: Pranayama Intensive [F]
- Tutors: Robert Moses, Eddie Stern & Harshvardhan Jhaveri
- June 16 to 21, 2025 • 5 Hours over 1 week
- Daily 6:00 am – 7:00 am EST
- Curriculum
- A 5-day Pranayama Intensive which will focus on practices that increase in duration during the course of the week. This course is oriented towards intermediate and advanced practitioners, and includes kumbhakas and bandhas. 60 minutes of guided practice each day.
- You will learn and practice:
- Kapalabhati
- Resonance Breathing
- Nadi Samanu, Nadi Shuddhi
- Bhastrika
- Kapola Shakti Vardhaka, Karna Shakti Vardhaka
- Sitali / Sitkari
- Bhramari
- Marmasthana Savasana
- Mula Bandha, Jalandhara Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha
Course 110: Pranayama Teacher Training Level 2 [F]
- Tutors: Robert Moses, Eddie Stern & Harshvardhan Jhaveri
- August 2 to September 13, 2025 • 20 Hours over 7 weeks
- Saturdays 9:30 am – 11:30 am EST
- Thursdays 6:00 am – 7:00 am EST
- Curriculum
- In this course, you will learn the second level of practices that include the introduction to breath retentions, deeper explorations of Hatha Yoga texts, and the physiological mechanisms of breath. Completing Level 1 Pranayama Teacher Training is a requisite for attending this course. These practices can be used in your teaching after your students have learned the level 1 protocol to your satisfaction (and theirs) and are ready and desirous to deepen their pranayama practice.
- You will learn:
- Bandha practice
- Kapalabhati and Alternate Kapalabhati
- Nadi Samanu (A variety of Anuloma Viloma using mixed ratio breathing with mental mantra repetition and visualization of the elements at their respective chakras all outlined in the Gerandha Samhita)
- Ujjayi (As outlined in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika)
- Sitkari
- Sheetali
- Bhastrika
- In-depth study of Anatomy and Physiology of breathing
- The Endocrine and Immune Systems about breathing
- A closer look at The Nervous System and travel of electrical messages
- The life of the Cell
- The higher purposes of Pranayama relating to Nadis, Chakras, Kundalini, and the Mind
Course 111: Samkhya Karika and Yoga Sutras [C]
- Tutors: Eddie Stern & Harshvardhan Jhaveri
- August 2 to September 13, 2025 • 20 Hours over 7 weeks
- Saturdays 8:00 am – 9:00 am EST
- Curriculum
- Samkhya is one of the oldest philosophical systems in India. While the Vedas and Upanishads predate the development of the texts on Samkhya, they are not systems per se, but teachings and insights that occur throughout many texts in various ways. Samkhya is one of the first attempts to systematically codify a specific viewpoint of reality. The elements that make up Samkhya were later used in Yoga, and in every other Darshana, using the fundamental building blocks of the consciousness, mind, and matter, in different ways to prove different outcomes of realization. Yoga follows closely along with the Samkhya Darshana, though it does have some departures regarding the relationship between consciousness and nature. Yoga also provides important practical steps that can be taken to realize the Self, and that is one of the reasons that it has endured as a philosophy and practice over the past two thousand years
- You will learn:
- Yoga Sutras
- Samkhya Karika
- Concepts of Purusha and Prakriti
- Foundational practice of Abhyasa and Vairagya
- The ten samadhis of Patanjali
- The 24 tattvas of Samkhya
- Sameness and distinctions between Samkhya and Yoga
- Historical Patanjali
- Historical Ishvarakrishna
Course 112: Yoga Education Teacher Training [F]
- Tutors: Robert & Meenakshi Moses, Eddie Stern & Harshvardhan Jhaveri
- October 6 to 16, 2025 • Residential in India • 100 hours over 10 days
- Curriculum
- As part of your certification process, we will have a ten-day residential retreat outside of Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India, at the Lakulish Ashram. During these ten days, we will follow a daily schedule of meditation, pranayama, asanas, lectures, and most importantly, teaching practice. This will be a time to build community, get to know your fellow students, learn to articulate yourself as a teacher and get feedback on your teaching skills. For those who cannot make it to India, we will hold a similar course in NYC. However, we believe that this cultural immersion in India, even though it’s a short time, is an important part of becoming a yoga teacher, so we encourage you to try to make it to India if you can.
- You will learn:
- Lorem Ipsum
- New York City Dates: April 19 – 23
- If a student cannot travel to India for the Residential training they can optionally take the training in person in New York at Broome Street Yoga. Details to be announced.
Course 113: Sadhana Yoga Retreat [F]
- Tutors: Robert & Meenakshi Moses, Eddie Stern & Harshvardhan Jhaveri
- October 19 to 26, 2025 • Residential in India • 80 hours over 8 days
- Curriculum
- Following the teacher’s certification residential in Haridwar, we will continue up north to Uttarkashi, for a one-week sadhana intensive. This is an optional add-on to the course and is not compulsory. Over this week we will continue with yoga practices and have many talks from local Swamijis. You can use the hours in this course towards more certification hours, or simply attend the course for your personal sadhana. We will release the schedule closer to the dates of this retreat, but it will follow roughly the same programming as the teacher residential.
- You will learn:
- Details to be announced
Course 114: Pranayama Teacher Training Level 3 [F]
- Tutors: Robert Moses, Eddie Stern & Harshvardhan Jhaveri
- November 8 to December 18, 2025 • 18 hours over 6 weeks
- Saturdays 9:30 am – 11:30 am EST
- Thursdays 6:00 am – 7:00 am EST
- Curriculum
- In this course, you will learn the third level of practices that include expanded breath retentions, deeper explorations of Hatha Yoga texts, and the physiological mechanisms of breath. Completing Level 2 Pranayama Teacher Training is a requisite for attending this course. These practices can be used in your teaching after your students have learned the level 2 protocol and have been practicing it for at least six months. These enhanced practices should be done with great caution.
- You will learn:
- Mudras of Hatha Yoga Pradipika
- Four Bhastrikas
- Increase practices of Nadi Samanu
- Ujjayi (As outlined in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika)
- Sitkari
- Sheetali
- Bhastrika
- Review anatomy and physiology of breathing
- A closer look at The Nervous System and travel of electrical messages
- Examine various pranayamas from other Hatha Yoga texts
- The higher purposes of Pranayama relating to Nadis, Chakras, Kundalini, and the Mind