About YEC Teacher Training Courses

Becoming a yoga teacher happens over time and evolves through your dedication to practice, teaching, growth, and constant learning. In these courses, Robert, Eddie, and Harsh share their knowledge from decades of teaching experience, and guide you in how to teach Yoga in a simple, effective, and straightforward manner. Teaching Yoga effectively occurs best when you practice it regularly, so a large part of this training will focus on daily practices. Arguably, the most important aspect of yoga is the perception shift it can give you, where you develop a newfound sense of who you are on a deep level that cascades forward in many different, powerful, life-changing ways. The traditional practices of asanas, pranayamas, inquiry, devotion, and study provide guidelines and a pathway to enhance and develop this experience, and the changes you experience in your life from these practices will inspire your Yoga teaching. In our training, we will teach you basic philosophy, asanas, and pranayama from some of the most important yoga texts and practices from several of the most influential teachers and institutions of the past one hundred years in India. Our courses give a comprehensive background in the history, philosophy, practice, and teaching of Yoga.
During our second year-long teacher training certificate courses we will offer 7 Courses, depending on your interest as a teacher trainee. There will be a 15-day Residential Teacher Training in India. For those who cannot get to India, we will have an optional 8-day training in New York City.
Please Note: Since we have adjusted our courses to reflect various pathways to certification, and since we recognize that different people may be drawn towards different subjects, we have changed our name to YOGA EDUCATION COLLEGE to better reflect the training system. So as not to cause any confusion for now we will keep our original website name as Yogaeducationcollective.com until we can make a comprehensive name change.